“The Balgruh, also known as the Children’s Home, is a refuge for Children in Need of Care and Protection (CNCP), located on our school campus.” .
The Department of Women and Child Development (DWCD) of the Government of Maharashtra, has approved 100 CNCP to be placed in our Balgruh
“The care of these children is mandated under the Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children) Act, where the Child Welfare Committee (CWC) places CNCP in Balgruhs.”

The Balgruh at Nareshwadi integrates children with the larger community through its various activities on campus.
Approximately one third of them are orphans, and two thirds are from single-parent homes. These vulnerable children have been rescued by the police from scrap yards, brick kilns, the streets and violent situations, and have been placed in the safeenvirons of Nareshwadi.
“They are looked after by house parents and counselors with close supervision of management. Their education and living expenses are fully supported by the Trust.” .
All children attend school and vocational education classes on campus. They participate along with the other children and excel in not just academic pursuits but also extracurricular activities and sports.